Children’s dentistry

Our oral health therapists and dentists are highly trained to treat children of all ages (0-18 years old) and are passionate about establishing healthy dental habits so children will be able to keep healthy teeth for life.
Early childhood caries is the top chronic disease among Australian kids. Children’s teeth is much more susceptible to caries and cavities and cavities in primary teeth may affect the health of the permanent teeth in the future.

Educating our children to adapt a healthy oral hygiene routine is essential in maintaining their oral health as adults. Early dental visits can also help children develop a healthy disposition towards dental treatments.
Children are usually afraid of seeing a dentist and creating a secure and pleasant experience as their first visit is crucial. At Sage dentistry and cosmetics we understand the importance of children’s dentistry and our dentists and Oral health therapist are highly skilled in treating children.

Paediatric (children’s) dentistry | Sunshine Coast

At Sage Dentistry & Cosmetics we offer comprehensive dental care for young children and adolescents in a caring and fun environment.

Up to $1000 Free Children's Dentistry

Child dental benefit scheme (CDBS) is a government approved dental programme that allows children between 2 and 17 to visit their dentist and receive dental treatments up to $1000 dollars for free. This programme is means tested and parents can check their eligibility by calling Medicare. 

Space Maintainers

Space maintainer is an orthodontic device which maintains the space of a baby tooth that has been extracted. Once a baby tooth has been extracted, the neighbouring teeth tend to move and fill the missing space. The baby teeth provide the space for the future adult teeth and we need to insure that they maintain and develop in their correct position to prevent any future orthodontic complications.

Fissure sealants

Fissure sealants are preventive coating that cover the naturally occurring pits and fissures on teeth. They prevent food being trapped in pits and fissures of teeth. Molars and premolars are most common teeth that fissure sealants are applied to and many research and study have shown that they are very effective in terms of prevention of dental decay in both children and adults.


Dental traumas or emergencies can cause significant discomfort and distress for children and their families. It is crucial that children are seen as soon as possible by the dentist or oral health therapist to prevent any long lasting damages to the permanent teeth.

Very First Dental visit for Children

The Australian Dental Association recommends that children need to have their first dental visit within 6 months of their first tooth erupting and no later than their first birthday. The benefits of seeing a dentist at this early age is to reduce future fear of seeing a dentist, getting to know the dentist and also to see how your child’s teeth are developing.
Call us to arrange an appointment or book online today!
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